Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up...Bed Rest Style

I have now been on bed rest for two weeks.  And, I have tried really hard to take it easy, but for this super busy mommy, it has been a challenge.  Friday night, we all stayed home, ate dinner in, watched TV, and totally relaxed.  It was perfect!  Saturday, we got out for some family fun.  We started with breakfast at Chick Fil A, then we went and all got pedicures (Momma Pam even joined us), and then we went back home to work on a few projects that Momma Pam helped with.  After that, we went to Mimi and Papa's for a yummy lunch and spent some time there hanging out.  The rest of Saturday evening was spent at home.  Sunday, Kyle and I headed to the matinee to see The Dark Knight Rises.  It was the best Batman movie yet!  Thank you Mimi and Papa for watching Kathryn so we could see the movie on the big screen.  After the movie, we all came home and spent the night relaxing and playing.  We had a fun and relaxing weekend!

Daddy's first pedicure...and he loved it!

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