Thursday, October 31, 2019

Beginning of October

W half on and half off the bed...IDK
Clarksville Montgomery Country Cross Country Championship Race
Rossview Rumble

Girls WON FIRST Place!
Boys Won First Place Too!
Avery Elliott came out to support her friends...Kathryn, Avery, and Taylor
Kathryn, Avery, Taylor, Tayla, Natalie, and Brooklyn
Sweet Boys
Kaden looking for his other sock

Kaden at The City Forum celebrating Robert Bowles' bday

More Cross Country

Kaden's school work...he loves basketball!

I am not totally sure what is going on here...but they asked me to take a!

Kaden's bed when Ms. Timeka cleans...she always makes the stuffed animals do fun things!

Playtime at Rossview Elementary
Govs Night Out...a women's event supporting APSU Athletic Nutrition Program...This was the first year for this event...I helped chair the event.  It was a fun night!  And my table won trivia! 

Touring the facilities
Stephanie, Me, and Fran
Celebration Day at ROMS...Kathryn, Annie, Jillian, Avery, and Taylor
Annie and Kathryn
Puzzling with these two

Another Day...another Cross Country Event

Then to the APSU Football Game...we are never bored!

With the Gov!
On the field being recognized as Monocle Club members
Kaden and Owen Klingard at the APSU football game

Thursday, October 17, 2019

End of September

Leaving for XC at 5 AM on a Saturday morning with this girl! 
Riverdale High School...pretty cool stadium!

ROMS #1 Fan...Winston!

Kathryn and her church friend Scarlet
Kathryn and Izzy
Post XC lunch = DELICIOUS!
Followed up by cookies from CRUMBLE and Chicken Salad Chick to go!
And after XC...straight to APSU for the Football game
Snuggle bugs :)
And more XC...this was the Inaugural CMCSS Middle School Championship...Rossview boys and girls both won 1st place!!!!!

Kathryn, Avery Elliott, and Taylor Gamble