Monday, September 29, 2014

Kathryn stories

1.Kathryn has been going to my therapy appointments with me (I have been going for about 2 months now for my arm).  In the midst of it all, I guess she really listens to my therapist.  Evidence: Kathryn and Maxx were playing at the park.  Maxx hurt his foot.  Kathryn had him sit down on a bench while she examined him.  She told Maxx, "I am pretty much a therapist."  Then proceeded to move his foot all around asking if it hurt.  She cracks me up!

2. Kyle came home from work and changed clothes before eating dinner.  Kathryn was laying in our bed watching TV with her baby dolls.  As Kyle was changing clothes, Kathryn said, "Not in front of the kids."  She is a hoot!

3. Kathryn told Kyle, "You and Momma were made for each other."  Kyle asked why.  She replied, "You both hate the orange team."  Love it, and love that she knows we are NOT UT fans!

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