Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kathryn's Current Favorites

Kathryn goes through "spells" of things she likes.  The following is a current list of her favorites...

1. Peppa Pig
2. Chuggington
3. Smoothies (these are more like a drinkable yogurt)
4. Carrots with Ranch
5. Ducky (he is always on the list)
6. M & Ms
7. Purses
8. Sunglasses (she always request them while riding in the car)
9. Jumping (she loves to jump on her bed and on our bed)
10. Stickers

Stickers have become quite an obsession in our home.  Kathryn loves to make "Sticker Cards" AKA construction paper cut into strips and then place stickers all over the card.  She is very particular about which stickers she places where.  She prefers small stickers.  If you look at some of our current photos, you will notice in many of the pictures, she has a sticker card in her hand.  Every night before bed, she makes one to sleep with, and each morning she takes one to school.  And naturally, we find stickers our house, in the car, on us, on Bailey, etc, etc.  Below is a pic of just a few of her cards.  Every couple of days, I have to clean out the sticker card collection, otherwise we would have hundreds of cards!

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