Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mid May: Basketball Tourney in Knoxville for Kaden and RHS Tennis Banquet for Kathryn

A thank you note Kaden wrote for his 5th grade math teacher Mr. Miller...this was his fav teacher!

My girl heading to the bus stop

Kathryn and Jillian

Received her Bar for her Sophomore year

Kaden and Jasper in Knoxville for bball...they stayed in a home that had an indoor pool!  Thankful for Emily for taking the boys.  Kyle and I had Candlelight Ball and couldn't make the Knoxville trip.  Kaden had a blast with Jasper!!!!!

One of Kathryn's fav teachers...He wrote her the nicest letter!!!

My boy and his friend Jasper in Knoxville


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