Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve

Decorating Cookies for Santa
Kaden's Cookies
Kathryn's Cookies
Watching All I Want for of our favs!
Sweet pup through the fireplace
Puzzle Advent Calendar complete
My sweet friend Tara stopped by
Christmas Eve
Pammy joined us for Christmas Eve
Candlelight service...the best!
Making Reindeer Food
Sprinkling Reindeer Food!
Twas The Night Before Christmas...traditions!!!
Santa CAME!!!
Def on the NICE list!

Christmas Eve...such a special day! We decorated cookies for Santa, completed our Advent calendars, attending Christmas Eve service, made reindeer food, and finish the night with our reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas.  It was truly an amazing Christmas Eve spent with those we love!!!

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