Friday, September 13, 2013

Kaden as of Now...1 Year, 1 Month, and 7 Days Old

He is a healthy, sweet boy that stays busy.  He absolutely LOVES his sleep sack.  He also loves Bailey and gets so excited to take Bailey outside.  Kaden is understanding so much of what we say, for example, "Do you want to take Bailey outside?", "Do you want to eat/drink?", "Are you ready for night, night?" (in which case he gets super excited and starts sucking his two middle fingers).  These are just a few examples.  He knows what he doesn't want...If you try to feed him a food that he does not want to eat, he will shake his head no.  He is saying "Bye, Bye."  And it is so cute because I can tell how focused he is when saying it.  He is generally happy unless he is tired or hungry.  He loves to play with his toys (and Kathryn's toys).  He does not like to stay in the same spot for long.  He is definitely a busy body.  He is full time walking and climbing up the stairs. His bed time is 6:30 (many nights he goes to bed before that by choice), and he wakes at 7:00 (Daddy has to wake him up).  He eats a TON.  He generally has oatmeal for breakfast, will have 2 lunches, afternoon snack (which a lot of times is another meal), and a big dinner.  He loves his milk, and he loves water too.  His favorite foods include bananas, hot dogs, cheese, any kind of bread, and puffs/Gerber snacks.  Some of his favorite toys include the mini red piano, Kathryn's play kitchen dishes (especially the play eating utensils), building barrels, and pretty much anything that is not a toy.  He keeps us on our toes, but we certainly could not imagine life without our sweet boy!

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