Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March already?!?!?!

Seriously, it is March! AND, my sweet baby girl turned 2 and a half last month. I really don't know where the time goes. Kathryn has turned into such an independent little girl. She is helping herself dress. She is using the potty pretty consistently. She brushes her own teeth. She picks out her own snacks and tv shows. And, she plays really well on her own when I have other tasks to attend (like fixing dinner, etc.). Her vocabulary is quite extensive, and she is pretty articulate. She speaks in full sentences and generally uses her manners. She is sweet and loving. She will often, just out of the blue, hug Bailey and tell him that she loves him. While it makes me very sad that she is growing up so quickly, I will say that things are so much easier as far as taking care of her. She is just becoming her own little person.

During the upcoming months, we need to switch her over to a big girl bed. She loves her crib and sleeps so well, so I am dreading this process. However, I do know that it is probably past time for us to make the change. I think I have decided on her big girl bedding, but I have not bought anything yet. I am excited about fixing up her room.

Kathryn's latest favorite things include The Fresh Beat Band, shirts with pockets (she gets so excited if the shirt she is wearing has a pocket), Girl Scout cookies especially Samoas (just like Mommy!), her rain boots, her Leapster (she loves to do "shapes"), Frosty the Snowman DVD (yes, we are STILL watching it), Sesame Street book set purchased at the book fair, "Orange Cheese"...also known as Kraft Singles, and rice crispy treats. It is funny how she goes through phases of the things she likes.

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