Saturday, December 25, 2010

The merriest of Christmases!

What an amazing Christmas we had! Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays, but having Kathryn makes this holiday even more special. And, to top things off...we had a white Christmas. We woke up this morning to a pretty white blanket covering the grounds...BEAUTIFUL!

To kick off this special time of year, we went to church on Christmas Eve. I love that we have made this a family tradition. Kathryn did pretty well in "big church" until Brother Roger started preaching. Right before he began, she announced that she needed to potty (and yes, this announcement was made when the congregation was quiet). She was already getting restless, so I took her to potty then we remained in the foyer where she could play. There were tons of other young ones out there, so she had some friends to play with. After the service, we went to the Luthers for dinner (which was DELISH!). Oh, and on the way from church, we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus several sweet! We wanted to be home early on Christmas Eve so Kathryn could get a good nights rest, therefore we did gifts at the Luthers before church. Kathryn got lots of goodies including HUGE Bert and Ernie dolls, clothes, rain boots and a matching jacket, a chair, the recordable Hallmark books (one read by Uncle Michael, one by Uncle Jay, and one by Mimi and Pop) and the ever dreadful Play-Dough (we accidentally left this at the Luthers ) ;).

Christmas morning, Kathryn woke up around 7:30. Kyle and I went to get her and explained that Santa had been there and left presents. She really hasn't quite grasped the whole concept, but none the less, she was excited when she got downstairs and saw the gifts Santa left. Her favorite gift is the metal shopping cart. She loves to put all her things in the buggy and push the buggy around. She also loves her Bitty Baby supplies (a medical kit and baby food). And, the only thing she said she wanted Santa to bring her was cookies. So, she definitely got cookies. In addition to the gifts left by Santa, she also had lots of wrapped gifts to open. She received matching pjs for Bitty Baby and herself, some books, jewelry (including an owl necklace...she always wants to wear Mommy's necklaces), Mega Blocks (she loves them Aunt Kiki), a Leapster 2 and Backyardigans game (thank you K and JR, she was SOOO excited to see the "Yardigans"...we are going to get her game system set up tonight), and a few other things. She was super excited about all her gifts!

I fixed up a big breakfast for everyone (and, it was pretty yummy if I do say so myself). The rest of the morning was spent playing and somewhat straightening up. Kyle and I did exchange gifts as well. We must have been really good this year, because we got the hook up!

The snow is continuing to fall, chili is in the crock pot, and we have no where to be but home spending time with one another. As I sit here and type, I think about how much God has blessed us. My heart is so full of happiness. Merry Christmas everyone!

Pics Above...Kathryn with Bert and Ernie, us on Christmas Eve (Kathryn was not sad, her mouth was full of candy), Kathryn looking out the door watching for Santa, our tree, Kathryn on Christmas morning

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