Friday, August 31, 2012

Ending the month of August with a bang!

This past week has been a busy one indeed!  I spent pretty much all day Monday and Tuesday going through Kathryn's clothes from the first 4 years of her life.  I really enjoyed looking at it all and remembering the times that she wore specific outfits.  I did keep several things to give her one day.  Wednesday, I opened up our house for a sale.  I sold tons of her old clothes and made a little bit of money.  The things that are left, I am going to take to consignment.  Thursday, I headed to Nashville for a lunch date.  Kaden stayed with his first babysitter.  One of my best friends Kailey kept him for a couple of hours.  And today, Kathryn had an appointment at Vandy Children's Hospital with Dr. Stutz for finger (pinky on her left hand).  After an examination, she was diagnosed with "trigger finger."  She will go in for surgery in October after our Disney trip.  The surgery will not be anything extensive, but she will be in a cast for a few weeks, so I definitely didn't want to do the surgery before our trip.  And, random news, this has been a big mail week for Kaden.  He received his social security card this week as well as his birth certificate.  Also, Kaden has done even better at bedtime this week.  Around 8:30 or 9, he has been falling asleep.  I give him a bottle around 10, and he has been going right back to sleep until 1 or 2, and then wakes again around 5 or 6.  After those bottles, he goes right back to sleep.  I am very happy with this schedule.  He is eating about 5 ounces each bottle.  He is a hungry boy!  And, he is really enjoying baths.  He likes being in the warm water.  He doesn't cry at all during bath time.  And, I love giving him baths, because there is nothing sweeter smelling than a clean baby!  Now we are gearing up for a fun weekend full of football!!!!!  Football officially began last night, and FSU plays tomorrow.  We are ready for an exciting Seminole season!!!!!
Momma's Boys!
Loved Kathryn's Child Specific Notes on this one
Kathryn's Self Portrait
More artwork from school this week...she LOVES to make rainbows and write her name
Kathryn loves to take all her clothes off when she comes home each afternoon from school
Obviously, we don't mind
Generally we don't play outside naked
But sometimes we do!
This is typical...dancing and singing inside
She loves her Ipod!
And, Kaden's wall art came in this week...this is now hanging above his crib

Monday, August 27, 2012

Kaden is 3 weeks old already!

Today Kaden is 3 weeks old!  He is now wearing size 1 diapers and is eating about 5 ounces each feeding. He is doing pretty well at night.  We are still working out the whole 9 PM - 11 PM time...he really wants to just be wide awake during that time.  We are working to train him that after his 9:30/10:00 PM bottle, that it is bed time...not wake time.  I know if we are consistent, we will get it squared away.  He really only gets up once at night to eat (that's around 2 AM) and then he wakes for another bottle around 5:30 or 6:00 AM.  After those bottles, he goes right to sleep.  He is a happy, sweet 3 week old boy!  
3 Weeks Old

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kathryn's School Work

Last week, Kathryn officially joined the "Kids" class at The Red Barn.  This is bittersweet.  While I am so excited about all the things she will learn with Ms. Jackie, I am also sad because this is her last year in daycare.  I can't believe that in one year, my baby girl will start Kindergarten.  None the less, above is one of her papers from this past week.  I was so proud of how well she completed the sheet.  And, she does such a great job writing her name.  She can write and spell it all on her own.  I am a proud Mommy!!!!!

Weekend Wrap Up

Team Luther had another wonderful weekend.  Friday night was spent at home just playing and relaxing.  Saturday morning, Kathryn and I headed outside for a couple of hours.  I worked in the yard, pulling weeds and trimming, while Kathryn helped me and played.  It was a beautiful morning, so I was glad we took advantage by spending time outside.  For lunch, we went to Mimi and Papa's and stayed there for a bit and visited.  Saturday night, we stayed home and played and relaxed some more.  This morning, I finished up yard work, then Kathryn and I headed to Haven's to walk.  We walked the Glenwood area and worked up a good sweat.  Afterwards, Kathryn and I came home for a bit, then we ventured back out for a clothing show at Fran's (Kathryn spent some time playing with her friend Chloe), and then we went to Wal-Mart to grocery shop.  Kathryn and I had a great day full of Mommy/Daughter time.  While we were out and about, Daddy, Kaden, and Bailey spent time together at home.  Tonight, we once again, spent the night playing and relaxing.  It has truly been a great weekend!
Playing with her My Little Ponies
My silly girl
Showing off her Pony
I love watching my sweet girl play
Holding her brother (Kaden is yawning here)
Bailey enjoying our weekend at home...he loves it when we are all home!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Kaden's Well Check Up

This morning we had Kaden's well check up.  Everything was great.  He now weighs 9.8 pounds (gained 1.5 lbs in 2 weeks) is 20 and 3/4th inches long and has a head circumference of 37 cm.  He falls in the 50th to 75th percentile for all his stats.  He is a solid average for his size.  He is still eating 4 ounces every 3-4 hours.  He loves to eat!  He is doing pretty well at night.  His bed time is between 9 and 10.  He wakes between 1:30 and 2:30 AM for a bottle and goes right back to sleep, and then he wakes again between 4:30 and 6:30 AM for a bottle and goes right back to sleep.  He generally wakes up each morning between 7:30 and 8:30.  His nap and wake times during the day are a little sporadic.  He seems to be a content baby.  And, he makes the sweetest sounds when he sleeps.  He also grins a lot while sleeping.  He is pretty darn cute!!!!!
Waiting to see the doctor

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The merging of blogs

For the past 10 months, I have kept a separate blog of my pregnancy with Kaden.  This was so I could print a separate book for him.  Now that Kaden is here, I am going to merge!  So, from this point on, I plan to blog all on The Luther Family blog.  If you want to see Kaden's first couple of weeks of life, check out this link
But from here on out, all things Luther will be posted on this blog!

This past week/weekend

This past week has been another busy one.  We have been blessed to have so many visitors.  Kathryn has loved all the friends that have come to play.  She gets quite excited about guests at our house.  Over the weekend, the Callis girls came over.  We spent some time at the house playing, and then we went to Chick Fil A for lunch and to play some more.  Kathryn always has the best time with Faith and Mary Brynlee.  Sunday we went to Camden to visit with family.  On Monday, Kathryn had an extra "stay at home day."  Mimi took Kathryn to Greenhills to do some shoe shopping.  Kathryn had a great time picking out shoes (especially her Nike tennis shoes) and eating lunch at Panera Bread (one of her favorites).  The rest of this week, we have tried to get back into the normal routine of things by her going to school each day.  I have enjoyed spending time at home with Kaden.  I enjoy my one on one time with him, and I feel that it is important.  Maternity leave is great!  I feel like I can keep things caught up, so when Kyle and Kathryn are home, we can just spend time together as a family.  Below are some of my favorite pictures from this past week...

In Camden with Aunt Sandy

My Artistic Little Girl

Her picture of her baby brother Kaden

I always love to see Kathryn's art work from school.  Above are a few of her latest creations.  She loves art, and I think for a 4 year old, she does a great job!

Photo Dump from Mom's Camera

Below are some pictures taken over the summer from Momma Pam's camera...
At Kids N Play with Garrett
Kids N Play
Loving her cousin Garrett
At Monkey Joe's
At Tie Breaker Water Park with cousin Maxx
My sweet girl!!!
Kids N Play
Fun in the Sun
Kids N Play

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kathryn's 4 Year Well Check Up

Modeling her gown
Today Kathryn had her 4 year well check up.  First of all, I cannot believe my baby girl is already 4.  Where have the last 4 years gone?!?!?!?!?  None the less, her appointment today went great.  She was asked many questions, and she answered each one spot on.  She is in the 50th percentile for her height and weight.  He weighs 36 pounds.  Towards the end of her appointment, she had to get 4 shots.  She always talks about shots and will verbally say how they only hurt for a second.  Today, she was such a big girl!  She did not cry.  Her eyes welled up with tears, but she did not cry.  I was so proud of her for being brave!  I love you Kathryn Hope!!!!!

Playing Catch Up

This past week has been a whirlwind....I was induced Monday, August 6th and had Kaden that evening.  We were discharged and came home Wednesday, August 8th which was Kathryn's 4th birthday.  Wednesday evening, we went to the Luthers for a small family bday celebration for Kathryn.  Thursday was spent settling in, getting the house squared away, working on birth announcements, and just general housekeeping.  Friday morning, Kaden had a doctor's appointment, and then we had to go to Gateway for his blood work (checking jaundice levels which came back in the normal range).  That afternoon, we had some visitors.  Saturday morning, we had our newborn pictures taken as well as Kathryn's 4 year pictures.  That afternoon, we went to the Luthers to take a picture of all the Luther boys and had dinner.  Sunday, Momma Hope came over to meet Kaden, and that afternoon, we took a family trip to the park.  Today, Monday, August 13th, Kathryn had her 4 year check up (which included 4 shots).  I will have to say, she did great.  She didn't cry and was such a big girl.  Afterwards, we went to Target, the Library, Chick Fil A, Walgreens, and then to Family Pet Hospital to get Bailey some meds.  It has been a busy morning for us, but it was lots of fun getting out and it just being the two of us.  At 5:23 PM, I will officially have a one week old son...Happy One Week Kaden!!!!! 

Happy Birthday Kaden!  Born at 5:23 PM on August 6th, 2012

One Day Old...August 7th, 2012

Two Days Old...August 8th, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Kathryn...August 8th, 2012

Kathryn's 1st Ipod
Celebrating Kathryn's 4th Birthday
Make a Wish
Three Days Old...August 9th, 2012
On our way to Dr. Aquino's for his first appointment
Four Days Old...August 10th, 2012
Five Days Old...August 11th, 2012
3 Generations of Luther Men
Meeting Momma Hope...Six Days Old...Sunday, August 12th, 2012
Loving on Momma Pam
Swinging with Daddy
First Outing at the Park...Sunday, August 12th, 2012
Kathryn loves her little brother Kaden!