Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was really great.  We had no real plans, so we were able to do fun things last minute and without thought.  Saturday morning, we headed to the pool and spent a couple of hours playing.  Afterwards, we spent the rest of afternoon playing at home.  For dinner, we went to Cracker Barrel (one of Mommy's favs), and then we went to Steak and Shake for milkshakes.  Today, we all went to church.  Due to bed rest, we hadn't been in a while, so it was really nice to go.  Afterwards, we went to Chuck E. Cheese and spent time playing lots of games, winning lots of tickets, which meant Kathryn won "prizes."  She had a blast.  Next, we gave her the option of going to Kids N Play or Petsmart...naturally, my girl chose Petsmart.  She loves it there!  She loves to see the fish and hamsters.  And, today, Cats R Us had tons of cats out, so that was an added surprise.  I love weekends where we have no real agenda.  It doesn't happen often, so we took full advantage of doing a lot of nothing! 

1 comment:

  1. Going from one child to two children was such an emotional time for us think how can you love another as much as you love your "first child" but once that baby gets here it all just happens and works is crazy and happens in a good way of course! There is always enough love to go around:-) So happy for you guys!


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