Thursday, August 2, 2012

Phone Photo Dump

I finally got a new phone.  The camera on this phone is pretty awesome.  Here are some of the pictures I have taken in the last couple of weeks...
My sweet boy
Kathryn building a "castle"
My shadow...even waits for me to get out of the shower
Kathryn and Maxx "cooking" at Momma Pam's
Action shot: Uncle Jeff with Garrett, Kathryn, and Maxx
Post Birthday Fun: Kathryn's waitress outfit from Momma Pam
Coloring with Daddy
More Post Birthday Fun: Playing the fishing game
Showing off her new PJs from Kiki
Car Riding
Garrett and Kathryn: Exhausted after a full day at Monkey Joe's
Bailey stole my spot in bed!

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