Thursday, August 23, 2012

This past week/weekend

This past week has been another busy one.  We have been blessed to have so many visitors.  Kathryn has loved all the friends that have come to play.  She gets quite excited about guests at our house.  Over the weekend, the Callis girls came over.  We spent some time at the house playing, and then we went to Chick Fil A for lunch and to play some more.  Kathryn always has the best time with Faith and Mary Brynlee.  Sunday we went to Camden to visit with family.  On Monday, Kathryn had an extra "stay at home day."  Mimi took Kathryn to Greenhills to do some shoe shopping.  Kathryn had a great time picking out shoes (especially her Nike tennis shoes) and eating lunch at Panera Bread (one of her favorites).  The rest of this week, we have tried to get back into the normal routine of things by her going to school each day.  I have enjoyed spending time at home with Kaden.  I enjoy my one on one time with him, and I feel that it is important.  Maternity leave is great!  I feel like I can keep things caught up, so when Kyle and Kathryn are home, we can just spend time together as a family.  Below are some of my favorite pictures from this past week...

In Camden with Aunt Sandy

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