Monday, August 13, 2012

Playing Catch Up

This past week has been a whirlwind....I was induced Monday, August 6th and had Kaden that evening.  We were discharged and came home Wednesday, August 8th which was Kathryn's 4th birthday.  Wednesday evening, we went to the Luthers for a small family bday celebration for Kathryn.  Thursday was spent settling in, getting the house squared away, working on birth announcements, and just general housekeeping.  Friday morning, Kaden had a doctor's appointment, and then we had to go to Gateway for his blood work (checking jaundice levels which came back in the normal range).  That afternoon, we had some visitors.  Saturday morning, we had our newborn pictures taken as well as Kathryn's 4 year pictures.  That afternoon, we went to the Luthers to take a picture of all the Luther boys and had dinner.  Sunday, Momma Hope came over to meet Kaden, and that afternoon, we took a family trip to the park.  Today, Monday, August 13th, Kathryn had her 4 year check up (which included 4 shots).  I will have to say, she did great.  She didn't cry and was such a big girl.  Afterwards, we went to Target, the Library, Chick Fil A, Walgreens, and then to Family Pet Hospital to get Bailey some meds.  It has been a busy morning for us, but it was lots of fun getting out and it just being the two of us.  At 5:23 PM, I will officially have a one week old son...Happy One Week Kaden!!!!! 

Happy Birthday Kaden!  Born at 5:23 PM on August 6th, 2012

One Day Old...August 7th, 2012

Two Days Old...August 8th, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Kathryn...August 8th, 2012

Kathryn's 1st Ipod
Celebrating Kathryn's 4th Birthday
Make a Wish
Three Days Old...August 9th, 2012
On our way to Dr. Aquino's for his first appointment
Four Days Old...August 10th, 2012
Five Days Old...August 11th, 2012
3 Generations of Luther Men
Meeting Momma Hope...Six Days Old...Sunday, August 12th, 2012
Loving on Momma Pam
Swinging with Daddy
First Outing at the Park...Sunday, August 12th, 2012
Kathryn loves her little brother Kaden!

1 comment:

  1. He is just one of the most beautiful baby boys I have ever seen besides my own of course! We are soooo happy for you and Kyle and Kathryn too!!


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