Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friday Fun

Practicing her writing...Momma was proud of her penmanship!
Having fun at the Public Library
Cheesing it up for the camera

Loving her tent and dress up shoes and tiara
Cold Stone with her cousin Garrett
This past Friday, I decided to keep Kathryn home.  It was a way last minute decision, but I really wanted to spend the day with her.  We began by going by my work so I could tie up a few loose ends before beginning my maternity leave.  Then, we headed to the Public Library.  We read several books, picked out three to check out, and then spent time playing.  Next, we went to meet Daddy at work and went down to Blackhorse for a lunch date.  Afterwards, Kathryn and I came home, spent more time playing.  We ended our day by meeting up with Momma Pam and Garrett at Cold Stone Creamery for some delicious ice cream.  We had a wonderful Friday!!!!! 

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