Thursday, September 28, 2023

End of July - Real Life Camp for Kaden and Girl time for Me and Kathryn

Church camp is one thing Kaden looks forward to each summer, and this summer was no exception.  He is so sweet...he told us he knew he would be sad when the bus first left but once he got there he would be fine.  And, he did just fine!  He loves being with the other kids from church.  He loves the leaders at this camp, and he loves all the fun activities.  This year he even got to do tubing!  He had the best time!!!!!  He was definitely exhausted when he got home.  He had no voice when he returned, and he was fast asleep in the car before we even got home.  Once home, we snuggled and he slept some more.  I can't lie, I missed his snuggles, so I was glad to have him back home!  

While he was gone, Kathryn and I had so adventures together...we met up with the Callis girls for lunch at Miss Lucilles...they took a pic of us to use for their social medias.  We went and saw the Barbie movie with Pammy.  And we spent time at home relaxing and reading books.  Time spent with her is time well spent!  

Kathryn made us Pink bracelets for the Barbie movie!

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